
Looking for an external, objective perspective?

I offer personable and professional consulting services to individuals, small and large organizations (nonprofits and for-profits), and educational institutions.

Passion, Purpose, and Direction ~ these aren’t just words, as they offer the solid basis of a plan, a way forward, and a way through. These words frame my consulting work with my clients.




My perspective brings open inquiry and creative solutions

I am an advocate for personal, professional, and organizational success. 

To be successful, one needs to ask honest questions, explore the variables, identify the barriers, understand the context(s), and be open to and embracing of differences.  One needs to be humble and honest — and willing to do the work to change for the better – for one’s self and/or for one’s organization.  One needs to know not only “the how,” but also “the why.”  Values, goals, mission, vision, and creativity are also essential to success – personally and within an organization. 

Passion, purpose, and having an authentic sense of direction, personally, professionally, organizationally, are central to my work.

Education and Background

Passion, Purpose, and Direction

I earned my Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the University of California, Santa Barbara; my master’s degree in Education from San José State University; and my Bachelor of Arts degree in both Anthropology and Southeast Asian Studies, from the University of California, Santa Cruz.

I am a licensed psychologist in Rhode Island and Nevada.  I have a private practice in Providence, Rhode Island (https://drkevingaw.com).  I am also the Executive Director of the Amica Center for Career Education at Bryant University.


I grew up in Malaysia, worked in Indonesia at a Jesuit university, and have extensive international and intercultural experience.  In addition to writing professionally, I have conducted research and presented on many topics in psychology, including culture shock, intercultural development, career development, treatment planning, and workplace issues.   I have taught several psychology courses, including the psychology of religion and counseling theories.   


Professional Consulting Services with Heart